Is 4 Seconds Long Enough For an Intro

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Active Member
I'm making an intro for my gaming channel and I have 4 seconds so far and I like it. It has my name on it and sound so should I make it longer or keep it as is?
It's definitely long enough
sinc's right intros can be annoying i like them short as they can be :D
Yours is perfect as is
Long intros are BORING (No matter how cool and flashy they look) and will turn potential viewers and subs off.

Follow everyone's advice here. Make it a bit shorter, keep it as is, or take it out altogether (Most channels don't need cool intros to start their videos for people to call it nice.) :smileyphones:
Yeah dude I believe that 4 seconds is pretty good for an intro, I made one a while back and regret it because it went for too long.
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