Request Intro


Well-Known Member
Hey Guys, all I need is an intro made for my channel. Something simple, but professional. If you can do this, and tell me how to transfer my yttalk cash to you, what I've got is yours. I can't give actually money, I apologize, but holidays take it's toll. If you want to look at what I've got already, feel free to look at videos on my youtube page :D Thank You! :D
I would love to help you out do u wanna talk about some gfx you may want check out my channel to see what I have done
Thanks Tom! :D I'd love if you could help me. I don't have many ideas for an intro, but as long as it says my name and sorta goes along with my channels color scheme I'll be pretty happy. I'm just tired of having the low quality one I made myself.
Yeah, sure man! Username on there is Mattoct95. I work Full-time, so I may not always be able to respond quickly, but I do appreciate any help you can give me :D