Request Intro, Banner, and Logo


New Member
Hello, I am trying to get a intro that is 3d so it looks really professional and a cool banner that will attract more people to my channel. I also need a Logo for my channel im not sure what it would look like but suprise me. I would be willing to Give you Credit and also pay based on how it looks. Hope someone will help thanks! :)
I'm willing to make intro if you want, price will be priced from both sides after the intro is done.
Contact if interested (Skype: toxicson)

I am a well-experienced Motion Graphics designer, and I have produced Intros for over 2 years.
I am ready to deliver what you are looking for, and can make you a 3D Upgraded Intro based around your current Intro, that is no problem.

For more in depth detail, check out my site: www(dot)wiziquadcustomdesigns(dot)webs(dot)com

To check out some of my work, have a look at my YouTube channel: www(dot)youtube(dot)com(forwardslash)wiziquad

Take care!