Your #1 Source For Indie Gaming
Hey all, I'm likely going to start a new series interviewing game devs of popular or Upcoming indie games. I need a name for the series and some brainstorming of questions.
I was thinking, "Interview with a Dev" but that isn't too keyword rich or SEO friendly.
So far I have the following as a possibility:
"Interview with an Indie Dev" - Fairly SEO Friendly, though probably not TOO searchable.
"Indieview" - Kind of catchy, but never going to be found by a search (only through desc/tags/etc)
Any other ideas or ideas for questions? This is what I have so far:
How did you get started in Indie Gaming?:
Who/What was your inspiration for the game?:
Do you have any future planned features?:
When is/was the official release planned?:
What exclusive features are you most excited about?:
I was thinking, "Interview with a Dev" but that isn't too keyword rich or SEO friendly.
So far I have the following as a possibility:
"Interview with an Indie Dev" - Fairly SEO Friendly, though probably not TOO searchable.
"Indieview" - Kind of catchy, but never going to be found by a search (only through desc/tags/etc)
Any other ideas or ideas for questions? This is what I have so far:
How did you get started in Indie Gaming?:
Who/What was your inspiration for the game?:
Do you have any future planned features?:
When is/was the official release planned?:
What exclusive features are you most excited about?:
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