Interviewing indie game devs...


Your #1 Source For Indie Gaming
Hey all, I'm likely going to start a new series interviewing game devs of popular or Upcoming indie games. I need a name for the series and some brainstorming of questions.

I was thinking, "Interview with a Dev" but that isn't too keyword rich or SEO friendly.

So far I have the following as a possibility:

"Interview with an Indie Dev" - Fairly SEO Friendly, though probably not TOO searchable.
"Indieview" - Kind of catchy, but never going to be found by a search (only through desc/tags/etc)

Any other ideas or ideas for questions? This is what I have so far:

How did you get started in Indie Gaming?:
Who/What was your inspiration for the game?:
Do you have any future planned features?:
When is/was the official release planned?:
What exclusive features are you most excited about?:
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For the first part about the name, I think you should go with something creative. Something that makes your series unique, that screams "HEY, THIS IS MY SERIES, NOT SOME RIPOFF!"

For the part about potential questions, I would probably ask things like this:

What was your inspiration for the game?
Do you have any future plans for the game?
How do you feel about the game's popularity?
What do you think about the game in general?

Stuff like that.
Indie view sounds kind of good.

I was also thinking a play on words of weise gamer, like Wise Questions. Weise Questions.
Indie view sounds kind of good.

I was also thinking a play on words of weise gamer, like Wise Questions. Weise Questions.

That in my opinion wouldn't fit the theme of Indie Dev Reviews, but that might just be me. If you need any help on this series, go ahead and ask me!
What kind of help :)

I need something SEO Related too, I'd if indieview is searched often lol
What kind of help :)

I need something SEO Related too, I'd if indieview is searched often lol

Honestly, I'm unsure xD If you run across any problems that you need help solving though, I'd gladly help.