Interviewing cosplayers


Level 34 Drug Dealer
Hypothetically speaking, say I managed to somehow bag some interview time with Jessica Nigri on the one time she is in London and it happened to be at the end of this month. What questions do you think I should ask her ?
Moved this to Scripts, Script Writing, Video Ideas & Planning for you, my good man. :D

I would hypothetically ask her if she'd strip while on Omegle and/or Chatroulette. Hypothetically of course.

For real though... I know'd want to go outside of the box with your questions... Lemme think...
I don't know if you want serious questions or very you questions, so I'll try to think of both.

Who's the sexiest character you cosplayed as?
If you can have sex with any fictional character, who would it be?
What's 3 x 23?
What's your motivation for cosplaying?

That's all I thought of.
Just be like "Do?" Then when she looks confused say it longer with an inflection "Dooooooo?" Then get kinda annoyed "Ugh... DOOOOO?????" Then if you can get her to say "DO WHAT???" Say "I dunno." and then walk away.