Hi Everyone,
Where do you think the fine line is drawn between being inspired by something versus infringing on another person's copyrights?
I realize that there are "derivative works" which are ideas spun from an original work, and all derivative works need permission from the copyright owner before their distribution. I'm wondering more about "using a concept" from a copyrighted work ("concept" might not be the right word...but it's the only one I can think of right now..) for your own content. Would this need to always be considered a derivative work? Are there a certain amount of changes that need to be made for it to be considered an original work?
For example, there are a lot of videos about how to do one's makeup to look like Elsa from Frozen, or bake a cake that looks like the Mario Star. These videos are using copyrighted characters from popular culture, but would you consider this inspiration or infringement? There are a lot of infringing videos on YouTube, and it gets difficult to distinguish between the two. Elsa is not technically made from makeup, and the Mario Star is not a cake, but I would still consider both to be a form of infringement (although not as infringing as using direct footage and images from the movie/game).. I'm wondering what you guys think!
A bit more on the extreme side, for a video, if I were to wear a homemade T-shirt that looked similar to Mickey Mouse, would I technically be infringing on Disney copyright's since it is "displaying" something that may subjectively look like Mickey Mouse? (I only start to understand things once I understand extreme circumstances... : P)
Since I play music, I have a related question regarding music. A cover song is a replica of an original work, and I understand the copyright issues with that. However, how much can one be inspired by a song in popular culture (such as the musical style, grouping of instruments, key signature, chord progressions, time signature, rhythm..etc), but change the melody into something new without any copyright infringements or without being considered a derivative work? All radio hits use the same 1-4-5 chord progressions, so there has to be some leeway with this somehow in the legal world.. Can one say "Song inspired by the popular movie 'such-n-such'" without problems, or is that pushing the limits too far?
I've been really wanting to talk to an entertainment lawyer to straighten out all the details about how deep copyrights protect ideas, but I thought I'd see what you guys think!
Thank you!
Where do you think the fine line is drawn between being inspired by something versus infringing on another person's copyrights?
I realize that there are "derivative works" which are ideas spun from an original work, and all derivative works need permission from the copyright owner before their distribution. I'm wondering more about "using a concept" from a copyrighted work ("concept" might not be the right word...but it's the only one I can think of right now..) for your own content. Would this need to always be considered a derivative work? Are there a certain amount of changes that need to be made for it to be considered an original work?
For example, there are a lot of videos about how to do one's makeup to look like Elsa from Frozen, or bake a cake that looks like the Mario Star. These videos are using copyrighted characters from popular culture, but would you consider this inspiration or infringement? There are a lot of infringing videos on YouTube, and it gets difficult to distinguish between the two. Elsa is not technically made from makeup, and the Mario Star is not a cake, but I would still consider both to be a form of infringement (although not as infringing as using direct footage and images from the movie/game).. I'm wondering what you guys think!
A bit more on the extreme side, for a video, if I were to wear a homemade T-shirt that looked similar to Mickey Mouse, would I technically be infringing on Disney copyright's since it is "displaying" something that may subjectively look like Mickey Mouse? (I only start to understand things once I understand extreme circumstances... : P)
Since I play music, I have a related question regarding music. A cover song is a replica of an original work, and I understand the copyright issues with that. However, how much can one be inspired by a song in popular culture (such as the musical style, grouping of instruments, key signature, chord progressions, time signature, rhythm..etc), but change the melody into something new without any copyright infringements or without being considered a derivative work? All radio hits use the same 1-4-5 chord progressions, so there has to be some leeway with this somehow in the legal world.. Can one say "Song inspired by the popular movie 'such-n-such'" without problems, or is that pushing the limits too far?
I've been really wanting to talk to an entertainment lawyer to straighten out all the details about how deep copyrights protect ideas, but I thought I'd see what you guys think!
Thank you!