Info on Youtube-Google Adsense partner


New Member
Hello everyone , I am writing because I need some information .

in the coming days I will open a new channel , but there is a question that comes over me . I have already prepared a few videos but before tying my account to a partner would like to understand a few things

I read everywhere of people who are struggling to be paid by the network , and then I would be willing to use sooner or later the partner of youtube .

But what are the negative aspects of google adsense ? because many do not use this type of partner and rely on the network ?

the security? I read that adsense does not protect you from clicking bombing ... is not it? or there is a way to remedy the problem ?

thanks in advance , this is community is wonderful, sorry for my bad english

If you are not going to violate anything (read Google's Terms of Use), I'm sure you have nothing to afraid choosing AdSense.
Only thing I can add about AdSense: they have 100$ payout limit, so if you are small channel, it might take a while to be paid.
1. Problem for gaming/viral channel is take long time monetize under review.
2. Invalid click activity, click booming & more will ban your AdSense
3. 1M Subscribers will protect you AdSense same as nigahiga channel
that's the problem ... the click bombing does not depend on me, but who does it

It is something that you can not control