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incredible! this is incredible!

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Loving YTtalk
so hi yttalk, i was away from the forums for a bit, but i'm back as you probably guessed by now. unless this isn't me and someone has stolen me password. damn i should change it from "openupyoumoron"... oh well...

so i have a channel (that's why we're all here right?) and was partnered a few weeks ago. i make gaming commentaries and easter egg videos. even made a few intro animations... besides that i pretty much keep busy.

recently i threw up an "old" video of mine (BF3 scout helo laser tut) to reddit (my first reddit experience) and was very surprised to see that it got upvoted about 150 times and most people were saying stuff like "i didn't even know it was there"... well long story short, it made to #5 on /r/battlefield3 and then CHABOYY came and commented on my video! i was like woaaaaaa! cooooool!

fast forward a dew weeks, i am staring in disbelief at 572 subscribers at an average of +5 per day. PER DAY. my all time record was +22 subscribers in one day a few days ago. WHAT. THE. HELL. i'm not even that interesting.

so i'm pretty psyched. an incredible amount of feedback!... and i'm not even giving out handjobs.
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