In Need of More Assistiance


Friendly Neighborhood Bagel
I just got my Blue Yeti Mic (not the pro) and I can't believe HOWMUCHFUCKINGTROUBLEIMHAVINGFORSOMETHINGTHATSSUPPOSETOPLUGINANDWORK....Ahem....Sorry about that. Anyway I'm certain after reading this you'll find my anger at least slightly justifiable. Now firstly, even for something that's meant to just plug in and work, I did not at all expect it to work like that. I have too much bad luck with technology. However I didn't expect to encounter a problem I couldn't solve through Google. After getting the mic set up, (and yes it's plugged directly into the computer and I've tried switching usb ports and I've tried plugging it into another computer) the mic was nowhere to be found within Control Panel>Sound>Playback or recording(its suppose to show in both) I tried looking up solutions to this problem to no avail. Just as I was about to give up, something incredible happened! Out of nowhere, after trying to get it to work (or better put trying to find ways to get it to work) in the bottom corner of my screen, there was a popup that said: Installing Device Drivers. I was exuberant when I clicked and saw that indeed, it was drivers for the Blue Yeti. So, with that happening, it showed up in my Playback AND Recording, I adjusted the sounds, plugged my headphones into the mic and went on to test if it would record. When I began recording, it was showing some sound levels going up from a bit of white noise, but would not record my voice. After that test failure, I decided to test if I could hear through my headphones. (which is plugged into the mic and thus is reliant on the mic working) After watching a video for about 2 minutes, being able to hear fine through the headphones, something EVEN MORE mind boggling than the mic not be recognized in the first place, occurred. The sound in my headphones cut out completely. No static, nothing. Just dead out of nowhere. I looked to see that the mic was in fact still on, as indicated by the flashing mute button. So I tried to unplug and plug the headphones back in and that didn't work. I got suspicious that the problem was NOT with the headphones. I went back to my sound settings to find that the Blue Yeti was NO LONGER THERE. Not under playback or recording. Now I'm just completely lost as to what the problem is and as to what I can do.
Have you or are you able to try it on a 2nd PC? When you plug the mic in, what shows up under device manager? Also keep in mind; Windows needs time to install the stuff in the background for some products, it's usually a once off for plug & play products. Also where are you plugging the mic in? Is it directly to the back of the PC or via a hub or the front panel?
I feel like you didn't actually read my post....As all of those questions were answered in it, to avoid people having to ask them.[DOUBLEPOST=1392788326,1392780398][/DOUBLEPOST]If someone with the power sees this, then close/delete this, I've solved the problem.