In browser games good or bad?


Well-Known Member
So, because I normally record Xbox one game play (and my capture card doesn't like to work when I want to record my PC). I want to record PC game play, but I have had to resort to a screen capture device that does not seem to cope to well with games like Total war and Fallout. So, I am wondering if playing in browser games like FPS PacMan, and Very organised thief are good alternatives?
Depending on if the game is popular. I would only play the games that are trending atm, or that you really enjoy!
I played duck life one time and that got a considerable amount of views. I recommend playing popular browser games.
I think Browser games are good, so many great games there, I have loads bookmarked to play, I dont think it matters if its trending, just do the games you like, get used to it and comfortable with the game style (as most of these are really short compaired to fallout) and get into the swing of it.
It's also up to you if they're good or not. The game could be complete garbage, but if you're still putting out the 'you' people enjoy then they'll love it. If it's just straight playing then definitely do some research first.
I think they're good. It means you get to have a lot of genuine reactions to new games, and you won't be doing as many video series where it's like "Outlast: Pt. 47". Makes it easy for people to just get in and get out as they please.

Also, it's pretty easy for people to suggest games for ya to play.