In a filmmaking rut


Active Member
Recently I've been stuck in a filmmaking rut, I just can't think of any good ideas. When I do get a bit of inspiration I can only think of a vague idea with no plot or any structure.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks is that I have no one to do it with. I have one friend to help behind the camera, but no one, apart from me, to be in front of the camera. Also I'm not the most confident of people so going down to a local drama school asking for actors wouldn't really be my thing.

Also another issue I'm having is that should I make videos that I wanna see or videos that will be popular? I'm constantly worried if I put up a video that not many people will 'get' but I like, people will unsubscribe.

So, I'm a little stuck here. Any comments will be greatly appreciated.

Recently I've been stuck in a filmmaking rut, I just can't think of any good ideas. When I do get a bit of inspiration I can only think of a vague idea with no plot or any structure.

One of the biggest stumbling blocks is that I have no one to do it with. I have one friend to help behind the camera, but no one, apart from me, to be in front of the camera. Also I'm not the most confident of people so going down to a local drama school asking for actors wouldn't really be my thing.

Also another issue I'm having is that should I make videos that I wanna see or videos that will be popular? I'm constantly worried if I put up a video that not many people will 'get' but I like, people will unsubscribe.

So, I'm a little stuck here. Any comments will be greatly appreciated.


Hey Chris, first of all, don't worry too much about it, we all go through this! I know I've deffo gone through this so many times before, even to the point sometimes where I wanna just delete my channel and give up!!

Maybe you need a few weeks break from it to get some fresh ideas? You could always make tag/challenge videos if you don't have any ideas at the moment, some of those are really funny to make/entertaining to watch!

Don't worry about people unsubscribing! You will get new subscribers in their place, who will watch your videos! Having subscribers who don't watch your videos is more annoying than having people unsub, believe me!! :)

Also, maybe spend a day or two just chilling out watching other YouTubers videos, it might give you some inspiration on what to make next :)
Well. One thing I have done in my life is, I just focus on whether or not I enjoy what I make. To be honest in the past I made films and youtube videos' that I thought would get appreciation or succeed at a festival and they bombed. But the times I just made a film or did a video that I wanted to do, and I enjoyed it and had fun doing it, those are the ones that did well. So do whaty ou enjoy, and trust me others will enjoy it as well.
do random crap and tape it, then take all the funny bits and make 1 video, should be different for you and give you a chance to explore different aspects of the many clips, most of the time when i do this i come out with a more broad idea of what to do next.
Exact same situation. I need to build a demo reel but can't due to not knowing anyone interested in film..No local film clubs either!

Have you tried looking into film clubs?
Hey Chris, first of all, don't worry too much about it, we all go through this! I know I've deffo gone through this so many times before, even to the point sometimes where I wanna just delete my channel and give up!!

Maybe you need a few weeks break from it to get some fresh ideas? You could always make tag/challenge videos if you don't have any ideas at the moment, some of those are really funny to make/entertaining to watch!

Don't worry about people unsubscribing! You will get new subscribers in their place, who will watch your videos! Having subscribers who don't watch your videos is more annoying than having people unsub, believe me!! :)

Also, maybe spend a day or two just chilling out watching other YouTubers videos, it might give you some inspiration on what to make next :)

Yeah, maybe I just need to switch off for a bit and something will come along. Thanks for the help!

Well. One thing I have done in my life is, I just focus on whether or not I enjoy what I make. To be honest in the past I made films and youtube videos' that I thought would get appreciation or succeed at a festival and they bombed. But the times I just made a film or did a video that I wanted to do, and I enjoyed it and had fun doing it, those are the ones that did well. So do whaty ou enjoy, and trust me others will enjoy it as well.

Yeah same with me, some videos that I think have great potential, haven't gotten hardly any views and some of my most popular videos are ones where I had an idea and shot it without thinking if it would be popular or not. Thanks for the help!

Exact same situation. I need to build a demo reel but can't due to not knowing anyone interested in film..No local film clubs either!

Have you tried looking into film clubs?

Yeah I've looked, can't find any. Thats the problem with being so far up north in Newcastle.
Just make videos that you actually want to make. Don't just make them to be popular. Also ask you friend or other friends if they know anyone who would be interested in helping.