I'm making a video where I explain hard questions to explain...

Aaron Maagma

YTtalk Mad
Yeah, I'm making a video where I'm explaining one of the hardest questions to explain... about life, love, friends, physics, NOT MATH and anything else... Mind asking me anything hard to answer? I'm thinking of answering "What is the color of a mirror?" or something like that. Any similar questions to this you can give me? Thanks ! :)
I'm pretty sure I saw Vsauce do the color of a mirror thing, but might be wrong.

Why don't you explain how nuclear energy works and try to debunk some of the nonsense about the danger of nuclear power plants.

You can do some good for the world and make a video at the same time.
I got one for you since you said physics
Does quantum mechanics actually work, and if it does is that signalizing that there are other dimensions and universes?