I'm looking for a good network to partner with?


Active Member
On my other youtube account I was partnered with freedom however i'm not sure if to join freedom on my new youtube account. I only have one video on this channel at the moment and two subscribers. I was mainly looking to join one to help my channel grow. I only play games on my channel if that helps.
Thanks :D
Honestly no network will help You grow, it's just advertising designed to lure You in :) I'm currently partnered with Curse (Union for Gamers), but mostly because they focus on gaming and they give 90% rev share. They have subscriber / views requirements though.
Honestly, I'd just advise against it unless you know the network can help you out in some way, or the community is amazing. As already stated in this thread, no network is going to help you grow. Also keep in mind you are going to be making less money when joining a network as they take the percentage that you are already getting, and THAT is what you get 90% of. So you'd be making less.
I would take a look at RouteNote.com. They have a great music catalogue and are now accepting all types of channels and not just music
Honestly no network will help You grow, it's just advertising designed to lure You in :) I'm currently partnered with Curse (Union for Gamers), but mostly because they focus on gaming and they give 90% rev share. They have subscriber / views requirements though.

I was partnered with them any enjoyed it very much but I waited until I hit 1,000 subscribers and around 8,000+ views a month. I personally think now that that was too early. Protection isn't seriously needed until you pass at least 10,000 subs because you will begin to be noticed. Just focus on improving your own content to grow and you'll be fine :)

You'll know when you should join a network but don't worry about it until then!