I really like the photoshop work you did. I like the font that you used for all the songs but I'm not sure if I like the structure. Why don't you try to have the picture in the middle and then spread the names on left and right. Also I believe Pieces of Me is the album name?? If so removing it might be a good idea.
Thanks, the photoshop part took ages ahaha. Keep in mind it's for a cd case, so the face will be at the front and the text will be on the back. So think of them as two separate pictures.
As for the Pieces Of Me, yeah that's the name of the album, you don't think it should be there?
Looks good. Front is photoshopped perfectly, it looks really cool. Just wondering, have you considered putting the album name also on the front cover?
Back cover is simple yet gets the job done, I feel like song names could've been a little bit smaller just to create more space between the Pieces of Me and Hello lines (I haven't centered the text perfectly in the image below). But I'm not an expert in any case and it might feel overdone to you:
View attachment 41349
Depends on you. Overall, the whole concept is absolutely amazing! Looking forward to hear the album![]()