Im about to make a Youtube Channel (I need help with the name)


Hi Everybody

My name is Rmc (Rasmus), Im about to make an Youtube channel but i need help with the name.

Games: Minecraft, GTA V, Call Of Duty, Team Fortress 2, Awesomenauts, Android Games & other games coming soon

Other Topics(Stuff i will make vids about): Tutorials/How to, Gameplays (HD), Reviews/Showcases, Vlogs/Ask me.

Maybe a username where it contains Gamer (It dont need 2) or a username in 1 or 2 word like i know a youtuber with the name: Liquid Blitz.

Just post what U think

For names I always just think of things that have meaning to me or words that I liked. Maybe try listing off words/things that you like and go from there?

Hahaha, no but something with Rmc could be possible.
Does it stand for your full name or minecraft?
Any favourite animals or interests?
Example: TheFishingTigerGames
Gargle barf?
bramble Bunter?
Giggle sticks?
piggle stiff poop?
Gammy teapot?
Frumpy Burger?