If you have multiple channels. Would it be a good idea to make multiple facebook?

Well my opinion is that if you have 3 channels then u have to make 3 facebooks pages that will be hardwork to keep checking them all but then if you want to do that then go ahead, 2 channels 2 facebook pages thats ok but if u have 3 to much LOL
Well my opinion is that if you have 3 channels then u have to make 3 facebooks pages that will be hardwork to keep checking them all but then if you want to do that then go ahead, 2 channels 2 facebook pages thats ok but if u have 3 to much LOL
I have been searching and most youtubers use 1. I think I might go ahead with 1 to be fair
yes then you can have 1 facebook 1 youtube and work hard and them instead of more, thats a great idea hope your youtube goes well mate.
yes then you can have 1 facebook 1 youtube and work hard and them instead of more, thats a great idea hope your youtube goes well mate.
thanks. I do get having multiple chanells though because it separates your content so it is more visible to people who want to see it. Thanks man, I hope yours goes well too.
yea 1 page is probably better, far easier to keep updated. but again separate channels is always better, its good too keep them linked though, for instance i call all my channels TheKeebzyShow when i'm in vids and use the same intro/outtro logo for all channels so that for the people who are subbed to all my channels it feels like one big show :P
Personally I am not for having multiple channels if you have under 10k subscribers however if you have time to run two channels and think it is something you can do and grow with both then here is my option on multiple Facebook pages.

Daneboe the creator of Annoying Orange has truly shown how YouTubers should use social networking.

He has his personal Facebook Fan Page and then he has a fan page for every character on Annoying Orange.

He uses his personal fan page like you or I would use our Personal Facebook Page (Not Fan) and then he uses the character pages for marketing.

Source: Daneboe @ VidCon 2010
I wouldn't think so unless there are multiple people involved in the channel if so obviously one for each person and then maybe one for the whole channel it self. But if you have a vlog channe of your self, then a gaming channel of your self. Then I would have to say no since you are the same person just doing two different things on two different accounts.
Speaking of whitch I do get the point in multiple Facebook. I mean for example Google don't just have a Google page where they share YouTube info and blogger info as you will not be interested in most of it. Part of the reason why YouTubers have multiple channels. So I am mainly thinking of doing multiple pages in the future for when I get a bit more fame. The only thing I am planning to keep as one is Twitter.