If You Could Have a Dashboard Feature, What Would It Be?

Kyle M.

Hi all,

I don't post often but have an interesting question. I'm taking a survey of sorts and I'm interested in what creators themselves are truly interested in when it comes to MCN/partnership dashboards.

So, not including the basic and common analytics data, support, and forums, if you could add some dream features to an MCN dashboard for user, what would they be?

Thanks, I look forward to the interesting responses!
Nothing. It is basically just all of the stuff you can already find in different sections placed into one besides Tips
Nothing. It is basically just all of the stuff you can already find in different sections placed into one besides Tips

I find it hard to believe that a YouTuber, with an infinite set of possibilities, would be satisfied with just a few modules like those? ;)

Integrated version of ChannelPages (well, the core idea, but with changes)

Great idea, it would be cool to not only have a brand integration feature, but one where the channels are showcased and distributed like they are on ChannelPages.