If you could create a short film, no budget, all freedom, what would it beee....

I'd love to see what everyone would do with creative freedom...
I would mount machine guns and rocket launchers to giraffes and have them go hunt ISIS. There would be lots of explosions and carnage! The giraffes would talk with surfer accents and say stuff like "Bro, I know you want to cut this head off" and they would expose their long necks taunting ISIS before they destroyed them. Then at the end some Blackhawk helicopters will come in and extract the giraffes using platforms that the giraffes stand on hanging below the helicopter and they would fly off into the sunset.
I would mount machine guns and rocket launchers to giraffes and have them go hunt ISIS. There would be lots of explosions and carnage! The giraffes would talk with surfer accents and say stuff like "Bro, I know you want to cut this head off" and they would expose their long necks taunting ISIS before they destroyed them. Then at the end some Blackhawk helicopters will come in and extract the giraffes using platforms that the giraffes stand on hanging below the helicopter and they would fly off into the sunset.

Well I'm backing this idea.
I want to set the record for fastest non-stop drive from Anchorage, AK to Los Angeles. I don't think there's a record even set yet, so I probably wouldn't even have to drive that fast. Google maps says it's a 61 hour drive, I reckon I could do it in 50 with a co-driver.

It would make a hell of a film.
I would creatw a film about a person that can change between various personalities any time he wants, but a secret organization dedicated to hunting down these people for the potential damage they might cause to the world finds out about. Action ensues
I'd reboot my Lizard Cops series and make a huge 2D (or 3D) animated film. So many ideas, but no way do I have the time