If a Sponsor comes to you and asks how much to sponsor a video what do you say?

I have never had a sponsor before so I am not sure what is the standard. Also I looked up my channel worth on social bluebook and how much they recommend I should request. It seemed ridiculously high. Like 140,000 views average per video is $1,000 per video. Does that sound right?

They are just requesting a short intro video to be played at the beginning of my video.
social bluebook is suggesting $1,000 is that for a dedicated upload? if so thats not what you are doing, its more of a shoutout so something nearer that number
you can try it i guess. i would maybe go in at $500 and see how it goes from there. its a really hard thing to get right as its different for every channel, every niche, every content creator etc, when these offers do start coming in, and keep extensive notes on each deal including, subs/views at the time, what industry they are in etc.

that way at least with some experience you will better gauge what you should be charging