Idea's for topic over Cod Gameplay

koalafied gamers

Loving YTtalk
Just a random topic that you think can get into some sort of depth with, just so i can fill about 10 minutes worth of time up and not end up rambling on with different topics. Thanks

Yes i am Koala and i can talk.
Just a random topic that you think can get into some sort of depth with, just so i can fill about 10 minutes worth of time up and not end up rambling on with different topics. Thanks

Yes i am Koala and i can talk.
I made a similar thread for a few days ago.
Talk about something you want and like - if someone suggests a topic, it would feel more forced. :3
Talk about your life and you, the audience usually wants to know more about you and learn something new about you. Or you could try talking about the new DLC or campers or sports :D
Just check the news around the world.
A friend of mine talks about things that make him go: WTF!?
There is a lot of freaky stuff around the web and everyday something new come sup. Could be a topic for a commentary.