Ideas for something original?


Hi there, i got 2 YouTube channels, but i want to make a more serious one and get lots of views, problem is, being original...

Anyone has ideas for videos that arent made so often and that could get some decent views?
I already got an idea, a channel of dreams vlogs, i dream so much, and some of them would be interesting to tell and funny :)
Any other suggestions? Games are already to known, and i like filming and editing..

Thankks already for reading this :p
Well, reviews always have the potential of going viral. When I'm searching for a product, I can't get enough reviews on it before I buy it, so each gets a view. Really, the cream will rise to the top. If you're high quality and have value added to a video genre, then you'll have your big break eventually.
I'm just going to move this thread to the 'Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas and Video Planning' section of the forums :)
Just make sure whatever you do on Youtube, you are comfortable doing :)
Well, reviews always have the potential of going viral. When I'm searching for a product, I can't get enough reviews on it before I buy it, so each gets a view. Really, the cream will rise to the top. If you're high quality and have value added to a video genre, then you'll have your big break eventually.
I've done it and I do it! I love reviewing, problem is I can only do it very rarely, because i'm not rich or anything.. But when I buy a laptop cellphone or a gadget, or even my parents, before they open ot i make an unboxing and review!
Your dreams ideas seems pretty unique! :D
Ahah thanks..

Maybe i could also start like.. A sort of adventure, where people send me their dreams, and each weak I release a video with the best dream stories..

While tellimg the dreams i could add some picatures to make it more fun...
Well man, if I had an idea I would've made it and then it wouldn't be original anymore xD Ideas come from the weirdest places, just try to NOT to think too hard :)
I think people with original ideas here probably use them already (so wouldn't be original if you did them). If I were you I would try asking non-YouTubers what they think would be an original video idea, and what they would like to watch. To really break out and get the views you are targetting you need to appeal to people outside of the YouTube community (though getting in with the community is a good place to start first of course!)