Ideas for a new Youtuber?


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Hello everyone!
My name's Beth, I started a YouTube channel a few days ago focusing on beauty, fashion and vlogs. I've already put a few videos up (a haul and a challenge with my boyfriend), but I'm not sure where to go next. Can I have some ideas for new videos? Thank you! :)
You can have a look at my channel for some inspiration (and subscribe if you want! :p), just go to
Thanks again,
Beth x
You need to fix your channel link

But one type of video im finding hilarious right now is the whispering challenge :D
Try to think of something new that no one else has done...or do the flipside, try every popular thing that has already been done! YouTube doesn't always reward originality points.
I agree with babyteeth. Are are 1000s of fashion channels. Change it up. Not sure how but think outside of the box. I would trying something niche and see how that works.