Ideas for a Gaming Series


Proud leader of VideoGameAddictz!
When I ask this question, I don't mean "What game should I play?" I mean what kind of a series would be good for a gaming channel. So far me and my friends do Let's Plays, Reviews, Podcasts, and are currently trying to do Top 10 videos and I am also in the process of interviewing indie game developers. Is there anything else I can do on my channel or is this pretty much it? I would really love to try something else on my channel while still maintaining the gaming theme :bigrin2:
Tips and tricks for some mulitplayer game you are good at .
That s**t never gets old .
I guess I could do a "how to" of some sort, but I won't do tips and tricks for multiplayer games, because I suck at those half of the time. Thanks for the great idea :)[DOUBLEPOST=1389489448,1389489374][/DOUBLEPOST]
You could interview progamers. They are a lot more approachable than people might expect.
I am trying to do that with indie game developers. I'm trying to start small here because if I interview a well known game developer and I say something totally stupid, it's going to look really bad on me XD