Ideas and helpful advice about vlogging? Post here!


Active Member
Hey Everyone,
I am planning on starting my vlog channel but, I don't know how to kick it off and I need ideas or advice about vlogging. If You're a vlogger then how do you keep up with it? What to you vlog about? Do you vlog in public? Do you enjoy vlogging? Why do you vlog?

Please reply!
Shastafication (Channel: ShastaVlogs)
vlogging can be done in a ton of different ways, you can film from a camerastand with lots of editing and scripts or you can film with a camera in your hand with very little editing and just talking about your day :P or a mix of any of the above. best bet is just to try lots of different ways and see what makes you feel most comfortable :D
Well most people kick off their channel by uploading a video :P

Just put up an introduction video, don't overthink it, everyones first video's aren't usually all that great, but get something up.

I try to upload every thursday, but if I can't think of anything to upload then I wont.

I try to Vlog about topics really rather than about my life, Vlogging when you have a boring life sucks!

I Vlog because I enjoy putting my opinions or whatever out their, and seeing people respond and react to them. I also love to entertain people :)
I love watching vlogs with some humor in it. Something that makes me smile or giggle than just a guy talking to a camera with a monotonic voice talking s**t they do. Always try hard to be funny.