Ice breakers (IRL video idea) Expanding my channel..


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I've been brainstorming a few ideas lately on other things I could do with my channel apart from gaming videos, I've always loved watching people unbox and review items even if I have no intention on buying the product, a personal favorite Youtuber who does this really well is CazuaLLUK, British commentator who unboxes, reviews, sets-up and then gives away the item he's handed by sponsors or just companies trying to get out there,

I wanted to know if buying things (I like) and then unboxing when I got them, setting up and reviewing would be a good way to expand my channel, as it opens dimensions for viewers outside the gaming community as I could do a large amount of items... Yay or nay?

Secondly, I want to start making vlogs as well, just so I can interact more fully with my viewers and they can get to know me, at least for the first few vlogs I wanted to entertain people within the first few seconds of my video, keeps them interested and furthermore get them to watch longers periods of my vlogs, one of my main ideas that I thought would be quite funny would be to do something stupid to open up before introducing (One of the main things that came to mind was to solo rave to The Prodigy - Firestarter) Would this be a good idea?

Feedback would be highly appreciated, criticism (Constructive) and expansions on these would be awesome!

If you do inboxing you could put it on your gaming channel if it's still tech related, but I suggest you make a seperate channel if you are going to do vlogs more often :)
Alright, so I've been brainstorming a few ideas lately on other things I could do with my channel apart from gaming videos, I've always loved watching people unbox and review items even if I have no intention on buying the product, a personal favorite Youtuber who does this really well is CazuaLLUK, British commentator who unboxes, reviews, sets-up and then gives away the item he's handed by sponsors or just companies trying to get out there,

I wanted to know if buying things (I like) and then unboxing when I got them, setting up and reviewing would be a good way to expand my channel, as it opens dimensions for viewers outside the gaming community as I could do a large amount of items... Yay or nay?

Secondly, I want to start making vlogs as well, just so I can interact more fully with my viewers and they can get to know me, at least for the first few vlogs I wanted to entertain people within the first few seconds of my video, keeps them interested and furthermore get them to watch longers periods of my vlogs, one of my main ideas that I thought would be quite funny would be to do something stupid to open up before introducing (One of the main things that came to mind was to solo rave to The Prodigy - Firestarter) Would this be a good idea?

Feedback would be highly appreciated, criticism (Constructive) and expansions on these would be awesome!

Unboxing new stuff that may be confusing and showing a quick and easy way to set up is a good idea, but you have to be first to do it. I had to watch a youtube video to figure out how to open my waterproof GoPro case and that one had over 30,000k views at the time I watched it, lol! If you are good with food, showing easy recipes or techniques (like carving a turkey) will get a lot of views. That's kind of a saturated style of video though.
Unboxing new stuff that may be confusing and showing a quick and easy way to set up is a good idea, but you have to be first to do it. I had to watch a youtube video to figure out how to open my waterproof GoPro case and that one had over 30,000k views at the time I watched it, lol! If you are good with food, showing easy recipes or techniques (like carving a turkey) will get a lot of views. That's kind of a saturated style of video though.

Thank you!, I've always been a techy kind of guy so I could probably delve into somethings that confuse people often when setting up, maybe even software, getting to know the software you're using etc. Testing new things released by companies would probably be a good idea as I easily get to grips with things, probably a lot faster than many, thanks for the tips!:)