I wanna go back and smack myself!


5 months ago I stopped uploading gaming videos to my gaming channel, I then started to post clips from movies, small random clips that I enjoyed. They were perfectly fine.... then I decided to post a sex scene from the film "Kicks" (2009), the clip was filmed by the crew through a door crack and the woman was facing away and bobbing up and down, I honestly thought it was ok but when I got back to it later I saw that YouTube had removed it.

I've deleted all the movie clips now, but I bloody wish I could go back to 5 or so months ago and stop myself somehow from even making the clip... because it's postponed the partnership of my gaming channel until the 30th of December this year...

sucks guys... hope you both get things resolved ASAP

Got the reply, it was actually because I was using sponsors/product placements which ended up violating the rules. Oh well, its like hitting the reset button your favorite video game. Time to do it all again except better! :D
well at least its suspended and not banned. i would like to know the reason why it was removed as well.