i wanna get views with the fields in the description any ideas??


Active Member
i wanna get very good views by making video of gameplay, reviews, unboxing, camera equipment tutorials, photography tutorials, cinematography tutorials, tech and filmmaking news , tutorials on 2d 3d and vfx so please help me guys i need my channel to get really popular in about a months time and im ready to make videos everyday i just need ideas and also for shortfilms! PLEASE HELP
i wanna get very good views by making video of gameplay, reviews, unboxing, camera equipment tutorials, photography tutorials, cinematography tutorials, tech and filmmaking news , tutorials on 2d 3d and vfx so please help me guys i need my channel to get really popular in about a months time and im ready to make videos everyday i just need ideas and also for shortfilms! PLEASE HELP

What do you mean by 'with the fields in your description'? You can put what you like in there, the video itself has to be good for a video to be popular.

Also, what's the rush? :) a month isn't a long time. You have to be either really amazing or really lucky to have a video go viral like that.

What kind of video do you want to do? Sounds like you have lots of ideas going on. Pick a type (just one, either a tutorial on an item, or an unboxing, or a vlog, etc) and go from there. Take it easy, there really is no rush.
i wanna get very good views by making video of gameplay, reviews, unboxing, camera equipment tutorials, photography tutorials, cinematography tutorials, tech and filmmaking news , tutorials on 2d 3d and vfx so please help me guys i need my channel to get really popular in about a months time and im ready to make videos everyday i just need ideas and also for shortfilms! PLEASE HELP
You should keep your channel within a certain spectrum, and not make a mashy mess of a bunch of genres. Also, never do unboxing videos. Those are horrible. Instead, just review the product. You will not strike it famous in a month. Give it time, and if you're entertaining, the followers will come.
im sorry but what i actually meant was not famous atleast a total of 10,000 channel views for 10 videos maybe im asking for atleast 1000 views per video and i cant stick to one video i just make videos whenever i find new stuff i have many video ideas but just wanna know if there is actually any thing i can do to get views as you can see in my first post thos are the fields i am gonna take and also i publish it on my blog and page but my photography gets more views than my video ands i actually wanna get more views on yotube popular to me right now is atleast getting 10.000 channel views in a month or two coz im suffering from 11 views now
i wanna get very good views by making video of gameplay, reviews, unboxing, camera equipment tutorials, photography tutorials, cinematography tutorials, tech and filmmaking news , tutorials on 2d 3d and vfx so please help me guys i need my channel to get really popular in about a months time and im ready to make videos everyday i just need ideas and also for shortfilms! PLEASE HELP
I suggest you stick to a niche, don't try to do everything otherwise your viewers are unlikely to be interested in your channel if they don't know what's coming next :c
I mean... they all sort of link in to each other which is okay but you need to take it slow and build up to your success ;)
o i normally have like a scedule i do gameplays every thursdays and tutorials on monday and only 2 or 3 reviews permonth and rearely do shortmovies so my main fields are tutorials and gameplays
im sorry but what i actually meant was not famous atleast a total of 10,000 channel views for 10 videos maybe im asking for atleast 1000 views per video and i cant stick to one video i just make videos whenever i find new stuff i have many video ideas but just wanna know if there is actually any thing i can do to get views as you can see in my first post thos are the fields i am gonna take and also i publish it on my blog and page but my photography gets more views than my video ands i actually wanna get more views on yotube popular to me right now is atleast getting 10.000 channel views in a month or two coz im suffering from 11 views now
I have almost 70 videos, and I've been told I'm very comedic and different.
Even so, I only have about 8,000 views. You're not going to suddenly become a view-monster. Or at least, it's highly unlikely.
im sorry but what i actually meant was not famous atleast a total of 10,000 channel views for 10 videos maybe im asking for atleast 1000 views per video and i cant stick to one video i just make videos whenever i find new stuff i have many video ideas but just wanna know if there is actually any thing i can do to get views as you can see in my first post thos are the fields i am gonna take and also i publish it on my blog and page but my photography gets more views than my video ands i actually wanna get more views on yotube popular to me right now is atleast getting 10.000 channel views in a month or two coz im suffering from 11 views now

1,000 views is still a very high number to get in one month, especially per video!

Slow down, stop trying to get 'big' overnight. It'll ruin your channel before it starts. pick your niche (what you want to do), stick to it, and perfect it. Like everyone, your first couple of videos will likely be sub-par or even terrible. But practice and eventually you'll make it.

It takes most people a year at LEAST to really get their foot in the door so to speak. If you're not willing to put in the hard work perhaps a channel isn't really for you?