I think I should go first!


I Love YTtalk
Hey everyone, I would like to have the video linked to below reviewed, here is the URL:

If you have any tips on what I could do better please let me know :)

Thank you!
Ok...first off, what I notice, you say that these are the top ten things...but I don't visually see numbers when you place them. This isn't a huge deal in most cases, but I feel when you're doing a top ten, it would be nice to see numbers before and/or during the topic you're speaking on. Also, are these in any particular order? Is one more important than the other? If not, then why are they the top ten things to help design your channel better? What if you get a comment where someone posts a very valid point which would trump some of these reasons or even clump them together? Then what? Top ten is something very subjective, so I feel like it should be used in a more subjective way. Unless, of course, you are going about it objectively; If you are going at it objectively, why do you start the countdown at one? Shouldn't the best be for last? I guess what I'm trying to say without beating the horse anymore is consider the name you're using. I understand you may have chose it to get more hits, but that's what tags are for, and if you're going to make a title for hits, you must commit to it. Make an actual top ten.

Secondly, I feel that some of the photos you used in your description were a bit of overkill...for instance: for your #1, I feel that text would have worked better than a picture of, what I'm guessing is a youtube layout. Your #2 made no sense, which in theory is great for what you were looking to accomplish, but it left me confused as to why it was there. Again, text would have helped better, just emphasizing your points.

To dig into your actual tips, the only one I disagree with is pornography or scantly clad people on the channel...that's actually against policy and will get your channel taken down, whether or not that's what you're going for.

Lastly, your sound spikes quite a bit when you talk. Try backing up a little on the mic. It's okay if your sound is too quiet, there are ways to make yourself louder, but you can never get rid of those spikes in the sound. Also, I hear you stumbling over your words sometimes and even skipping words in your sentences. I can feel a hint of nervousness behind the mic. A good way to fix this is multiple takes. Just do your voice over again and again and again until you're tired of saying it. Not only does it loosen you up and make you less self-conscious about talking (because you've done it so much already), you now have multiple versions of that segment...so if you don't like how one sounds, you have 5-10 others you can choose from!

So that's the negative...positive:

I like the background you used and the choice of music. It fits. As well as your points, I actually used this video to change my layout back when I first came onto this forum. I watched this and was like "Oh s**t! My layout is default! I fail!" So I definitely believe there is a lot to learn and take from this video, but with a little polish and patience, you can make something like this leagues better.
Thanks for the review Token, I couldnt agree more with all of your points made, I think I need to really sit and have a very long think before making a video, perhaps it is because I never tend to plan it on paper first and jump right into it and go with the flow but it does seem to be showing that I dont think of everything first before doing the video. There was no order of importance there, perhaps a more fitting title would have been Ten Channel Design Tips rather than Top Ten. I had to laugh about the pictures you mentioned, I really could have tried much more with them and should have probably left them out, I just lacked ideas for the visual part of the video with it being a sound recording something I wouldnt need to think about if it was me on camera for it.

What I was saying about the p**n and scantily clad women is not to use it unless it is relevant, obviously not the p**n as that would get you banned and would put a lot of people off your channel but say you have a channel that is allowed on YouTube because theres no nudity or something then something fitting would work as long as its within the TOS on there. In general though p**n and scantily clad women on your channel just seems cheap and tacky and doesnt give a good impression. I know what youre saying though as it does come across as if I am saying use p**n if you have a p**n channel which I could have been clearer about when talking.

I am definitely not used to using a microphone and doing videos with me speaking on them, I was quite nervous and I was trying not to speak too loud with my family being asleep at the time which is probably why I ended up eating the mic :D

I am glad you got something from the video with the negatives aside :)

Thanks for the review Token, this review makes me want to do these on camera a whole lot more.
I think I need to really sit and have a very long think before making a video, perhaps it is because I never tend to plan it on paper first and jump right into it and go with the flow

If I'm not planning on a series and just making a one off video, that is what I do as well. Like I did yesterday. But as a point, if you are making a series, this is not best.

I am definitely not used to using a microphone and doing videos with me speaking on them, I was quite nervous and I was trying not to speak too loud with my family being asleep at the time which is probably why I ended up eating the mic

That was like me, but I got used to it. Now I just need a good mic again, since my last broke. My house is full of people and someone is always sleeping, I cant talk loud, I know how you feel to be honest. Just keep commentating things and you'll get used to it. On GamePortable I had at least 150 commentaries and 50 various other videos, and I deleted all the commentaries as soon as I was convinced I was decent at what I was doing. It takes time and practice, but you'll get there.
I will do that thanks, as people say practice makes perfect so the more I do something the more I should get used to it.
I will do that thanks, as people say practice makes perfect so the more I do something the more I should get used to it.
Don't be put off by the 150 times it took me. Often do Skype calls and talk with large groups of people on Team Speak ect. that you don't know. You'll be doing good commentaries in no time.