Katie Roosendaal

Well-Known Member
Okay so I'm not doing a q&a but I want to do like a "would you rather", or act out a scene from Harry Potter, or speak a sentence in German or whatever. I would be doing this with my sister. Normally I would make up my own things to do. But I thought it would be more fun if other people decided what I should do. Thanks!
Act out a scene from Hitch Hikers Guide To the Galaxy. :-D Maybe that is far enough back that people who understand will get a total kick out of it, and those who don't will have to look it up.
As I'm from Austria (although I'm going to be an exchange student in September), saying something in German would be really fun^^
How about this tongue-twister: Fischers Fritze fischt frische Fische, frische Fische fischt Fischers Fritze
Try to say that, if you want more german things to say, quote me here ;)
I like his tongue twister idea. That sounds funny, and hard to do. People will love it. :-D Maybe have in captions what you are supposed to say, or write it on a poster behind you, so that people who speak German, or at least can pronounce it, will know what you are trying to say. :-D