I Need You! Yes You! Help!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys!

Okay so I really need some questions for the 1st instalment of my new Q&A series!
So if you could be so awesome as to leave a question in a comment below I would be very grateful! Any question; from the deep, political or just plain dirty!

Uhm.... You need to give us a insight into what you're exactly looking for. I mean, "wanting deep, political, dirty questions" is extremely vague.
Uhm.... You need to give us a insight into what you're exactly looking for. I mean, "wanting deep, political, dirty questions" is extremely vague.

Those are not what I want, I was just saying that any questions would be great! I know it's vague but I like to get a variety of questions :)
If you could have any creature (real or imaginary) for a pet, which would you choose? And for an extra does of fun, how would you care for it? Good luck with the Q&A! :thumbsup2: