I need Questions for my next video.


I'm a peacock flying into a rainbow!
Okay guys here's the catch I want my next video to be a Q and A vid and the title will be Ask Paskyskies (ofcourse what else would it be), but I need questions to answer, that's the part where you come in guys. :) shoot me with weird, serious, or funny questions and I'll try to answer them all in my next vid. :D cheers! Happy tubing everyone!
Do u lik mudkipz?
What is the dumbest thing you have ever seen someone do?
Do you have any embarrassing stories about yourself? Share?
If you could have one meal for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What is the weirdest thing you've eaten?
Do you want to stay where you're currently living for the rest of your life?
What are the top 3 items on your bucket list?

aha hope your video goes well :)
Coke or Pepsi?
If you could live anywhere where would it be and why?
Taco Bell hot, mild or fire sauce?
What is your dream job?
What makes you laugh?
Would you run a marathon for 500 dollars?
if you could live any were in the world were would it be and why?
do you travel?
favorite place traveled?
coolest building you have seen ?