I need IDEAS


Hey guys I need help. I have been making short films (If thats what you want to call them) on my channel and I need some ideas for my next short because I have no ideas. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. It doesn't need to be fully planned out, just a simple idea. If you have any leave them in the comments...Thanks
How about a story of a man who began eating breakfast when he noticed something moving in the food, and he looks at other people's plates and he also sees things moving.

Yeah I don't know, I just started typing and I'm really hungry so I started writing about breakfast.
The Beatles "Nowehre man" was inspired from writers block, maybe you can do a video inspired of what you are feeling right this second?
If you're talented at improvising, just start recording and go with the flow. You don't have to use that take, but you might be able to pull some ideas out of it.