I need help!!!!!!!!

Grant Casual

Future Famous Vlogger Without Big Hair
Hey All. I am in this collab channel called thelitebites and this week's topic is impersonating big youtubers. I just did a video doing a bunch of youtubers but now can't think of any ides to make a video that is about 2 minutes long parodying a big you tuber. HELP ME PLEASE!!! I only have today to film and possibly tomorrow when i am at the hotel.. I have to upload friday but i am going on a holiday tomorrow morning till the next tuesday! PLEASE HELP!!!
RayWilliamJohnson, Smosh, EpicMealTime, any of these work for you?
Well, there's a great upcoming YouTube channel called Thrashimation.... lol ;)

Have you done Paint yet? He's pretty popular.
Just make some food, say this need bacon and you have a parody of EpicMealTime
Pick a funny video, say you're short make 2 stupid jokes that 6 years old could have written and you have a parody of RayWilliamJohnson
Do something weird and scream POKEMON and you have a parody of SMOSH
Play a game curse alot and you have a parody of pewdiepie