I Need All Your Help Guy's...


Active Member
so guys im in a situation were people are telling me that my current YouTube name is either nooby or a bit childish and they think i should create a new name or maybe even make a new channel cause my YouTube name is too long and hard to remember ..

so i need your guy's help in thinking of a name for my new youtube channel.

if i decide to use the name you have offered then you will stay in my subbox for a year and every now and then i will give you a shout out. ive also got 250 friends on Skype that i can share you YouTube channel with.. please help guys i love making videos but i dont like making them when people arnt watching cause they dont like my YouTube name :D
Not really good at coming up with a name but I would suggest words that you think sound good together or just picking out a random word in the dictionary and playing around with it for a bit. It honestly took me months to come up with my name! I think your name is pretty good imo, but its up to you if you want to change it.
AGGamer. iAggressive. SiveAG. Aggress. Gress. GressGaming. GressiveGaming. Artisive. GAGamer. Phrasy. PhrasyAG. iPhrasy. PhrasyGames. Phras. PhraZ. Agressiveee. Ragin' Phrasin'. Aglowit. AglowitHD. Gressie. Gressy. True Gress. Realsive. ImAgressive. Wahfullz. Flahpy.
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I highly doubt that a channel name (good or bad) has any significant effect on people deciding to watch a channel's videos.