I Need a Work Ethic


Alright, this post is pretty much only for me, because if its in words, I'll be more likely to do it. I need to have some kind of a schedule. I think once a week isn't enough for a channel my size. I think I have a schedule, and I need a place where I can see it. Okay, here I go.

So I've been thinking about my upload schedule, I've been thinking I need an upload every day, but I'm a busy little boy so I think I need to know how to do this. I'm going to record 5-7 videos on the weekends, and upload them during the week. This is a good idea, yes? Hopefully I keep to this.
Alright, this post is pretty much only for me, because if its in words, I'll be more likely to do it. I need to have some kind of a schedule. I think once a week isn't enough for a channel my size. I think I have a schedule, and I need a place where I can see it. Okay, here I go.

So I've been thinking about my upload schedule, I've been thinking I need an upload every day, but I'm a busy little boy so I think I need to know how to do this. I'm going to record 5-7 videos on the weekends, and upload them during the week. This is a good idea, yes? Hopefully I keep to this.
Sounds good, to be honest any schedule is a good, no matter what it is. Viewers like a solid schedule. Remember quality over quantity, and don't feel OBLIGED to make videos and end up over working yourself. :)
It's pretty handy to have a schedule and pre-recorded videos for those extra busy weeks, plus it sometimes gives you the freedom to record videos about current events at odd times. (Sub goal, view goal, RL events so on)