I know this sounds strange, but....


I've Got It
I'm terrified of the microphone. I recently purchased a new Turtle Beach headset to record some commentary for my games and all at once I realized how intimidating it is to me. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I have such a country slang and I'm afraid people will hate my accent. Did/does anyone else have this problem? How did you overcome it? How do you get the courage to share your thoughts with millions of others? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Earlier I played around with it and tried to do a private commentary to get the hang of it, but I kept forgetting what to say. I couldn't even pronounce words correctly. And it makes me sick at my stomach. I know this is crazy. :cold:
Actually this is a very common case of stage fright, a bit different but still the same sense. I'm assuming that when you start recording, your brain makes you see it as if you're talking a large group of people (i.e all the viewers) and that scares you.

The easiest way to overcome this is to try and envision that microphone as one of your friends, and just pretend you're playing the game with your friend (but they lost their voice or something). That is the easiest way, but that doesn't make it necessarily easy, although it may be for some people.

The only other thing I can think of is, if you don't like one take, don't save your game, and then try again until you like it.

Hope I help a little, I'm kinda just making stuff up as I go along ;)
I used to hate the sound of my voice and therefore never wanted to record myself. I got over it after a while by just recording myself anyway! Haha. It gets better in time and you will get used to it. :)

Clarification: my advice isn't, like it seems to be, "just get over it." Rather, practice with it until it doesn't feel quite so weird. Just like anything else, it really does get easier with practice. :)
I used to hate the sound of my voice and therefore never wanted to record myself. I got over it after a while by just recording myself anyway! Haha. It gets better in time and you will get used to it. :)

Clarification: my advice isn't, like it seems to be, "just get over it." Rather, practice with it until it doesn't feel quite so weird. Just like anything else, it really does get easier with practice. :)
Listen to Anna, She's smart :D
I used to hate hearing my voice and watching myself on camera. The way that I got used to it was to remember to just have fun and that as long as I'm being myself whether I have a country accent that will be who I am. Because your accent and the way you talk says a lot about you and were your from. I'm pretty sure you watch other gamers what makes them any better then you? Also write a little script to help you out if your forgetting what to talk about thats what I
did for my first Vlog.

The best thing is to

I always hated my voice and I still hate my voice. But I am noticing that the longer I talk for my Youtube videos, the more I get the hang of talking clearly and the less I hate my voice. It's a matter of practice I suppose.
Mine's a tad different but along the same lines:

I don't find the mic intimidating at all. When I rehearse my script before recording I'm perfectly fine, but when it comes to actually recording, it's really difficult to get right. At one point I recorded 9 audio files for one video..
I know what you mean. When I started youtube, I was terribly afraid of even listening to my own voice and once I did, I didn't really like it and it sounded really weird to me. But people have already said it, you just have to get to it and do it regularly. Soon it will be like nothing to listen to yourself, you will see. It will happen to you as well because it happened to me :D
And if you're nervous, write an entire script for yourself and just read it - but make it sound like you're not reading it. Know what I mean? Make it sound as if you're coming up with things to say as you go. That will greatly reduce your level of nervousness. I used to be really, really nervous and I think in my two first ever videos, you can see that, kind of. But ever since I started writing scripts for myself, I've found I'm a lot calmer. So, just go with it. Soon enough you will find that you don't even need an entire script and that you can just write down some keywords and go from there.
Whatever you do, just don't chicken out of it haha :D Youtube's an awesome experience after all. Plus it will help you a lot if you were ever to talk in front of a crowd, give a speech. Trust me, I had to give my first ever speech just a couple weeks ago, and thanks to youtube, it went super well! :cool:
Also, doing something like this will give you more confidence in the end.