I've Got It
I'm terrified of the microphone. I recently purchased a new Turtle Beach headset to record some commentary for my games and all at once I realized how intimidating it is to me. I don't know why. Maybe it's because I have such a country slang and I'm afraid people will hate my accent. Did/does anyone else have this problem? How did you overcome it? How do you get the courage to share your thoughts with millions of others? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Earlier I played around with it and tried to do a private commentary to get the hang of it, but I kept forgetting what to say. I couldn't even pronounce words correctly. And it makes me sick at my stomach. I know this is crazy.
Earlier I played around with it and tried to do a private commentary to get the hang of it, but I kept forgetting what to say. I couldn't even pronounce words correctly. And it makes me sick at my stomach. I know this is crazy.