I Just need a Good Software


I've Got It
Just gonna be working on videos, (not working on movie clips) as I am just importing the photos and adding title and by slide and then giving transition, effects.

am using movie maker and I need a software with same where can I make a movies as easily as possible.

I tried EZVID, any other softwares as of your experiences.:help:
My recommendation is AVS Video Editor, you might want to try a more professional editor (Premier, vegas, final cut) though, once you get comfortable with it, things will go faster than if you're using a simplistic video editor.
I use Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD 11 (different than just Sony Vegas 11) and it works pretty well and is pretty low-cost, at least compared to some other programs. I got mine for like $50. It has tons of effects and you can pan and crop videos and it has probably everything you could ever need and more for low-budget youtubing.
If you wanna to make photo slide show by adding photo as well as transitions and effects, you can have a try Smartpixel video editor, it is also a slide show maker to help you make the video slideshow.
A pretty cheap program is PowerDirector. I used it for about a year before I bought Vegas Movie Studio.
It is really good for editing if you are not doing any superfancy stuff ith it :)