I Have OFFICIALLY Ran Out of Ideas!


YTTalk Shape Shifter
It's official! I have no ideas left whatsoever! AHHHH!

Making videos with one person (myself) gets pretty hard when you make sketches so you don't have anyone to interact with. I do the cloning thing every once in a while but, it is unbelievable the amount of time it takes to get each line right so it makes sense, ahh! I can't exactly talk to myself ;) I have lots of spare time which I would usually make videos with, but now...NOPE!

I would do rants and vlogs, but I suck at thinking of what to talk about, seriously! This is probably why I find it hard to make friends...

aaannnyyways I thought I'd post this because i'm bored :)
It's official! I have no ideas left whatsoever! AHHHH!

Making videos with one person (myself) gets pretty hard when you make sketches so you don't have anyone to interact with. I do the cloning thing every once in a while but, it is unbelievable the amount of time it takes to get each line right so it makes sense, ahh! I can't exactly talk to myself ;) I have lots of spare time which I would usually make videos with, but now...NOPE!

I would do rants and vlogs, but I suck at thinking of what to talk about, seriously! This is probably why I find it hard to make friends...

aaannnyyways I thought I'd post this because i'm bored :)

You ever look into doing a collaboration?
Just make a video that gives your thoughs on what should be done about something recent, like say a news story.
Well you can always do...reviews on other channels! you can review channels of people here and tell people what you think and your likes and dislikes and what they can improve and so on

You can talk about recent news stories and reflect your feelings about it.

You can talk about important stuff like history and make it fun and goofy like learning but fun and shtuff

Talk about the latest video games.

Reflect your feelings for certains movies and or t.v. shows!
Whenever I run out of video ideas on my channel I do parodies of videos or songs until I think of something original. Usually when I get ideas I'm inspired by something going on in my life. Hope this helped.
Ah, the benefits of having your brother be a partner! :D

Anyway, we have a section of the forums made for you ;) It is called the collaborations section :D