I have an AWESOME idea for a film!


I've Got It
I dont know why but the other day i was watching a bunch of action movies and it just sprung on me! A guy whose wife and kids got killed by king pin of like New York or any big city, and this guy used to be an elite fighter in the military, who could kill anybody easy. Then one night after clearing his mind from his alcohol addiction a space ship beams down from sky and abducts him. The aliens (Grey eyes) are all like we have been watching you! then they give him a suit which increases his strength and stamina makes him faster and all the rest. They tell him they need him to brake out some aliens from a secret military base which holds aliens and torches them. and operates you may know a place called nightmare hall which is in a military base that maybe true in real life but its called like Dulce base in new mexico! So he all like whats in it for me and the aliens say we will bring back your wife and kids! SO yeah i felt like i had to share that with you all! :)
I dont know why but the other day i was watching a bunch of action movies and it just sprung on me! A guy whose wife and kids got killed by king pin of like New York or any big city, and this guy used to be an elite fighter in the military, who could kill anybody easy. Then one night after clearing his mind from his alcohol addiction a space ship beams down from sky and abducts him. The aliens (Grey eyes) are all like we have been watching you! then they give him a suit which increases his strength and stamina makes him faster and all the rest. They tell him they need him to brake out some aliens from a secret military base which holds aliens and torches them. and operates you may know a place called nightmare hall which is in a military base that maybe true in real life but its called like Dulce base in new mexico! So he all like whats in it for me and the aliens say we will bring back your wife and kids! SO yeah i felt like i had to share that with you all! :)
make a video of it....
sounds like a lot of other movies meshed in one, also the whole "wife and kids thing", imma leave it at that, keep doing you though.
I dont know why but the other day i was watching a bunch of action movies and it just sprung on me! A guy whose wife and kids got killed by king pin of like New York or any big city, and this guy used to be an elite fighter in the military, who could kill anybody easy. Then one night after clearing his mind from his alcohol addiction a space ship beams down from sky and abducts him. The aliens (Grey eyes) are all like we have been watching you! then they give him a suit which increases his strength and stamina makes him faster and all the rest. They tell him they need him to brake out some aliens from a secret military base which holds aliens and torches them. and operates you may know a place called nightmare hall which is in a military base that maybe true in real life but its called like Dulce base in new mexico! So he all like whats in it for me and the aliens say we will bring back your wife and kids! SO yeah i felt like i had to share that with you all! :)
As long as I get to star in it xD
You could try and write a script yourself :) I know a really good free program called Celtx, we use it at college for script writing :)