I got a friend request from someone from Fullscreen!

Patrick Harris

You see what I did there?
I applied for Fullscreen about 3 weeks ago, and was denied. I wasn't surprised considering I only have a handful of subscribers, but it was worth a try.

Today, I got a friend request on Facebook from Tom Otte. According to his page he works for Fullscreen. I know this doesn't mean I'm going to make partner immediately, but it does give me hope. They're aware of me, and watching.

thanks! I sure as hell hope so

I've noticed that with YouTube, it's all about consistency. If you want to grow, you just have to keep working at it.

Set up a schedule for yourself and STICK TO IT!
Whether that is a video once a month, twice a month, every other Thursday or even every week. It's the only way to continue to be noticed and grow.
And try to pick one day a week that you always release on. That will build a following that will check your channel to see if your video is up!

I have several friends who are a part of Fullscreen and we have talked about what it takes to become a member. A long while back, as long as you had some subscribers and a good amount of views, it was easy. Now it's much harder...you need something like 1000 views per day and at least 500 subscribers. Which is totally doable if you continue to put out material on a consistent basis.

YouTube views are exponential; the more you make, the more you get seen!