I Don't Have A YouTube Channel....


New Member
I don't have a YouTube channel. And although I really want to start, I'm not sure it's a good idea for me. You see, I suffer from Selective Mutism, which is an anxiety disorder. I'm very uncomfortable speaking in certain situations, and I'm not sure how it would work out in a channel. I wouldn't be able to speak, which is kinda important on YouTube. I really need some tips and suggestions on what I should do.
best thing to do is just do it, thats the best advice haha. thing with youtube is you can f***up as many times as you want and it can all be removed with editing and just getting better at it over time
Before you set up a channel, just try recording some stuff for yourself with no expectation of an audience. If that goes well, keep going. Soon you'll find out whether YouTubing is for you!
Have you ever tried to film anything? Nobody has to be around, it can be just you and a camera. You don't have to upload it anywhere, but if this is something you'd like to be able to do someday I suggest at least trying it and watching it back to see what you think.
Hey there,

I reckon something like YouTube could help your anxiety. Over time you will find yourself getting more and more confident and comfortable with talking in front of a camera or in front of people.

Like mentioned above, you don't even have I post your first few videos, but just do it for practice with talking and with editing, which will definetly come in handy somewhere down the line. On my channel, I have uploaded 8 videos but only two are actually available to watch. This is due to the fact that I personally don't think my videos are off any standard, but if I practice enough then I will certainly make them all public. There is no harm in practice or even just having some fun with it all.

Good luck and kindest regards anyway,

Many great pieces of advice here.
You should definitely give it a try, I mean, making videos. Even if it's not for uploading it in the first time on youtube.
That way you could have a look at yourself and develop some hidden confidence.
If you feel like you want to discover more, upload and let the people sees it.
You probably gonna learn a lot from people reactions and interacts with them more comfortably since you are both going to discuss something you like.

Good luck.