I caught a Copy fake channel. Please report


New Member
This man made copy channel for money. But I am a big fan original channel. Please report him. Thanks a lot, and i apologize for this topic.

Fake Channel url : www. youtube. com/ channel/UCtHlJdNorsAw48ji76Y1_bg
Real Channel url : www. youtube. com/ user/stampylonghead

I hate copy cat... :(
I hate copies too, I literally ranted about it this morning on YtTalk.... It won't let anyone report him for impersonation that isn't yourself, or someone who legally represents you... But I'll report him for spam, and hopefully this will flag him up to YouTube as well :D
I hate copies too, I literally ranted about it this morning on YtTalk.... It won't let anyone report him for impersonation that isn't yourself, or someone who legally represents you... But I'll report him for spam, and hopefully this will flag him up to YouTube as well :D
m8 you are a legend for making David Cameron sing
It's crazy that there are so many of these types of channels out there, it's difficult to tell which ones are real sometimes too. Like before Nostalgia Critic or Red Letter Media made youtube channels, you had all their stuff on random other ones.
When you think about it things like this aren't just youtube. I mean everything has a copy, Bootleg pokemon games and the such, it's about the money. The second people realized youtubers could make bank they began to exploit the system, theres a fake Vanoss channel out there posting his vids with click bait and things like that.
You cannot report someone elses content stolen on YouTube. You can only report your own content stolen.
I've come across some channels that copy my videos. Some post the same video, same title, even the same description. Some just copy the audio and use different video, but keep the title the same. I just leave comments on their videos saying things like, "Nice video."
I wouldn't be surprised if Stampy has Content ID and those videos get claimed for him already.
I've come across some channels that copy my videos. Some post the same video, same title, even the same description. Some just copy the audio and use different video, but keep the title the same. I just leave comments on their videos saying things like, "Nice video."

...and, by only doing that, you're basically telling them that it's ok to steal your work and make money from it.

Seems like it's easier to simply flag, claim it, have it removed/ channel shut, and not have to worry about that person again.
...and, by only doing that, you're basically telling them that it's ok to steal your work and make money from it.
Heh, I've had them then ask if they can use it. I tell them to put a link to my video in their description and I'll mention theirs in mine.