I can't into Scrpits.....


Well-Known Member
With my videos, I have a brilliant ( to me) idea which I want to put across. However then, when i actually point the camera at me or turn on the mic my brain turns to jelly and I forget everything i was planning to say and my point gets lost amongst a plethora of "um's and ah's" maybe I'm camera and script shy and it can't be helped, but I want to try and change that... nobody really cares for videos that don't sound as professional as they should.

So basically, my question to you is. How do I write a script without losing all my other ideas?

I know this isn't an original question but I wanted to ask it again to suit my exact problem.

hope you all could help.
First of all, write all your ideas down, just the concepts, not what you will exactly say. Then, write your script using the previously written ideas as a base.
You'd be surprised how many YouTubers (even the big ones) use a script. Not so much to say it exactly like it's written down. But to make sure you say all you want to say. Also writing it down gives you a bit of practise. You take your time thinking about it, etc. It becomes more "real". The thing is, though, to make it not SOUND scripted. It still must come natural. You know what I mean?
It's just a way to make sure you say all you want to say. That you've thought about it.

It's also a way to figure out the flow of your video. "Will I say X now or after X". Try things out and see what flows better.
You know the saying: "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail" ;)

ALSO, you'd be surprised if you'd see unedited videos of other people (even the big ones). Everybody goes "uhm, eehhh", has pauses, makes mistakes, needs to do 1 sentence a million times, etc.
Key is to teach yourself to make the "uhms" and "ehhs" easy to edit out. So when you talk make sure that when you find out you don't remember the next line or word, that the previous word/sentence can be used as a whole. Make sure you don'teeeehhhh hmmmtalk like ehhhmmmmthis. You can't fix that with editing.
Just teach yourself that and things will go beter with experience.