I appealed a community guidelines strike on a my video but I didn't receive answer from youtube...

Good morning, I have a question for you.
I received a community guidelines strike on a my video in 15 june. I appealed this strike the same day. Today is 2 july and I didn't receive answer from youtube... Is it normal this? Other people received answer after 24 hours...
Thanks in advance for your answer, goodbye!
Quite strange you haven't heard a reply yet. Was the strike due to copyright? Maybe your ticket has been lost in the queue or they still need some more information.
It's "community guidelines strike", no copyright. In fact this is very strange...
It might be worth contacting the support team directly, they might be able to check on the status. Otherwise, I don't know. Let us know if it gets sorted soon :)
Takes several weeks. I haven't heard personally of anyone that had their appeal reviewed in a day.
Today is 10 september and no answer. I appealed this three months ago. :( I don't understand because youtube doesn't answer me for this appeal... The problem is that there isn't email for contact youtube. :( Now I tried with copyright@youtube.com. Maybe they will answer me.
I attached screenshot with my appeal.


  • appealed.JPG
    9.6 KB · Views: 3