A lot of people tend to have their Adsense accounts banned, usually for "invalid click activity".
Almost always, the publisher (you) will have no idea why it happened, what happened (very vague, that phrase) no way to appeal it (except for their auto response system... robot email... instandt denial) and poof. You're done.
Usually people try to set up another Adsense account, but when they figure out it's you, they shut it down again.
There's stories like that all over the internet.
I ran my Adsense for 10 months, and didn't have one issue. I was on pins and needles the entire time. I mean, it's a gamble.
Is it worth it though? Meh. Depends on who you ask, really. I'd say it is, but then again, I somehow survived the s**t-pool.
A lot aren't as lucky.