Request I Am Looking For Someone With After Effects Experience!

My channel is currently doing pretty well for itself enough so that I would be willing to pay $25-50 real dollars per video, plus compensation depending on how well the video does, for someone to do After Effects Work on my videos. I'm trying to take our video's to the next level, and I'm looking for serious people only along with a long term commitment from the person that eventually decides to join our team! please email me at if you are interested! some Knowledge of final cut pro, and owning a mac would be nice too! :)
How much knowledge is required?

Good Question lol! I know For sure I need someone proficient at masking lol! But I mean I would like some knowledge on adding in cool effects and such! I can only base it off of previous works so If you have something that was heavily edited on after effects send it to me! But I'm honestly ok with growing with people as long as they show they are wanting to get better with it and telling me about new things they learned and wanna try in a new video on our channel I mean right now I just want someone that knows how to use it lol![DOUBLEPOST=1373564564,1373564297][/DOUBLEPOST]
what kind of "After Effects Work" are we talking about ?

It depends on the video! I mean I'm really unfamilar with the Program, for instance the first video I am Working On I want the person to add in a Enchantment Table with full motion from the game from Mincraft, and Have Lighting Hit a hoe, The How Raise in the the Sky before the lighting hits it. and then when it comes back down I want the Hoe to be Glowing Blue for the rest of the video, which is only one more scene! But I wanna Say hey can you do this on After Effects, and then I want a Yes, I can or no I cant