Gaming Hunter and Huntress Minecraft Series


Well-Known Member
Alright, so I know the title isn't the GREATEST thing ever, but I had a idea for a series that really interested me but I would need a good group of people to do so with. So if you ever watch "Thesyndicateproject" you would know what im on about. Basically it's going to be a group of players trying to survive from 2 Hunters. Now, the hunters will be male and female and it will be more of a three way competition than anything. The survivors, will need to stay alive from the hunters as they play Minecraft in a vanilla style while the Hunter and Huntress both work together and compete for the most kills, once every person has been killed at least three times, or both hunters once each, the series will be over and it will restart with a new hunter and huntress. Now, here are the things we would need for this series.

1. A good group of males and females dedicated to recording and having fun.
2. We would need to create a 24/7 server.
3. Everyone has to at least have decent mics, the survivors don't have to work together but it's preferred.

The thing about this series is that we could record and play WHENEVER we wanted, rather than having to have "set times". So what do you think? Anything you would like to change and would you like to help out?