How will you adjust to new youtube? (Coppa)


Well-Known Member
Do you like stale boring content that have no conclusions? No? Well, neither do I.

I'm confused with the direction youtube is going and very disappointed that the platform have put all the blame on the people that make youtube great, YOU! With edgy content being purged and replaced with pregnant Elsa's, fortnight, and toy reviews. People were encouraged to make "family friendly content" So it was safe for kids.
With coppa now hammering down on kids content we have so many different channels in question. I'm personally upset because I had to watch some of my favorite youtubers die for content that's about to be purged anyways.

So my question to you is how should we create content these days? I'm curious of the minds of other potential content creators.
It feels like the dark ages of the internet. Sadly, so many people are losing their main source of income because of Coppa and viewers are losing channels they love. My main concern is that less and less content is being monetized. At the end of the day I do hope that more edgy content will be welcome on YouTube again. It's a strange time to start YouTube and while I am a small channel that just started this month I am worried about my future on the platform. But don't worry, we'll have something else thrown at us next year.
It’s simple. If you want PC NON edgy NON controversial content you stick with YouTube, Twitter and Facebook. If you truly want edgy content and debate you go to bitchute and gab. I find gab as boring and lame as twitter but I do like bitchute.
I make the videos I want and say what I want in them and I'll continue to do that, recently I've been uploading to Bitchute as well just in case. That way I have a backup, I've always liked edgier videos more than cleaner non-offensive ones lol.
It feels like the dark ages of the internet. Sadly, so many people are losing their main source of income because of Coppa and viewers are losing channels they love. My main concern is that less and less content is being monetized. At the end of the day I do hope that more edgy content will be welcome on YouTube again. It's a strange time to start YouTube and while I am a small channel that just started this month I am worried about my future on the platform. But don't worry, we'll have something else thrown at us next year.

Edgy content is definitely NOT welcome:

So now, you have this COPPA/FTC nonsense and as well as guidelines against "harassing", so you have unlimited grey areas in which your content can be randomly deleted/demonetized/whatever.

I honestly dont know what content to create anymore.