How to Start Youtube (A lot to read :))

Just Matt

Hey everyone :D,

So I'm completely new to the Youtube scene, well I watch a lot of Youtubers that play games in general, and basically I want to try setting up my own channel, I have my channel already setup which is called 'Just Matt' with a basic banner and avatar as I will move onto them after i straight getting all the uploads starting.

So basically, i want to start this off with Minecraft, i know this is very un-original for plenty of channels, but there are so many ideas which have been taken so a lot of things are now un-original.

I do currently have a Blue Snowball Microphone, with the pop filter and also a HD Webcam and i can record it at perfect frames and i know how to render the best quality in my opinion. I know it isn't all about the quality, but it does play a big role.

So, basically i just want to know, is it best to upload a video everyday as a new beginner, shall i include a facecam at all? How long should episodes be? Is it worth starting off? And any tips?

Thanks again :D
Minecraft's a hard game to get any views at all on, I dumped it as it 1) getting me little to know comments or feedback 2) It became very boring. It's such a large and popular game that you're like a needle in a haystack doing it.

Uploading everyday is pretty standard for Gaming Channels, just make sure you can keep to that schedule and make sure to keep consistent.
Minecraft's a hard game to get any views at all on, I dumped it as it 1) getting me little to know comments or feedback 2) It became very boring. It's such a large and popular game that you're like a needle in a haystack doing it.
That is very true I guess, but i aren't entirely sure what games to do, i can't afford the next gen as i only have the current gen consoles with plenty of games. But i really want to try this Youtube stuff out.
That is very true I guess, but i aren't entirely sure what games to do, i can't afford the next gen as i only have the current gen consoles with plenty of games. But i really want to try this Youtube stuff out.

Well if you're doing it for fun then it's all good, go with what you have now and upgrade along the way! ;)
Hey everyone :D,

So I'm completely new to the Youtube scene, well I watch a lot of Youtubers that play games in general, and basically I want to try setting up my own channel, I have my channel already setup which is called 'Just Matt' with a basic banner and avatar as I will move onto them after i straight getting all the uploads starting.

So basically, i want to start this off with Minecraft, i know this is very un-original for plenty of channels, but there are so many ideas which have been taken so a lot of things are now un-original.

I do currently have a Blue Snowball Microphone, with the pop filter and also a HD Webcam and i can record it at perfect frames and i know how to render the best quality in my opinion. I know it isn't all about the quality, but it does play a big role.

So, basically i just want to know, is it best to upload a video everyday as a new beginner, shall i include a facecam at all? How long should episodes be? Is it worth starting off? And any tips?

Thanks again :D
Quality > Quantity! Always, always, always! I cannot stress that enough. So, you're making a gaming channel, which is awesome (like your name--my names Matt too :D ) so it is easy to upload an episode a day. However, you want to be sure to keep up a high level of quality content, so when people stumble across your videos they see you put time & effort into them. It truly does reflect on who you are as a video maker. Minecraft is a VERY overplayed game, but will allow for you to get your foot in the door, because SO many people play it. However, if you plan on deviating from solely Minecraft videos, which it seems like you are, you're going to want to upload other content as well, along side your Minecraft videos! Humble Bundle, and Steam have a plethora of games that you can pick up for a relatively good price :) So, I would Highly recommend getting something off of there. If you're already recording off the PC for Minecraft, then it'll be easy to transition into this games as well! Camtasia studio 8 & Fraps are great screen recording programs for this! They do cost money, but you can use the almighty google to maybe work around that *eyes darting back and forth*

I'll get into your specific questions now. lol

Upload Everyday? Yes, if you're schedule allows you to! No more than that, because it can become overkill! If you cannot upload everyday, then set up a schedule, Like every other day, or Mon Wed Fri. Ect. Youtube also has a great "scheduled upload" feature. I'll let you look into that on your own though :P

Facecam? For a lot of games it a great asset to use your face. Horror games it is almost a requirement because people want to see your face when you're crying in a corner wishing for death (lol). Minecraft it isn't "necessary", but with any game it allows your audience to feel more connected to you whilst watching. At least in my opinion. I only use it for games where it seems natural to use facecam.

Episode length? This can vary. The average attention span is growing shorter and shorter, and a vast majority will not watch your video all the way through - Especially if you're uploading really lengthy videos. I would say keep them relatively short. 3-5 minutes would be IDEAL, BUT that isn't always practical for gaming channels haha we like to do let's plays and other content. I would say for guides keep them as short as possible without sacrificing the quality of the video. Let's plays can be really any length...and I say that while gritting my really is all relative. Just use your best judgement and ask yourself, "Would I watch this for ___ minutes??" & "Is this really a good video, or am I just putting stuff up for the sake of putting it up?"

Worth starting off? YES. Do this because you enjoy it, not for money. It'll be a bumpy ride, but so long as you keep your arms & legs in the vehicle at all times you'll have a grand old time! mho :P

Tips? ...pretty much all the above I believe would be considered a "tip" , my friend lol

Hope that all made sense,
-RedCrossRising, Matt
Quality > Quantity! Always, always, always! I cannot stress that enough. So, you're making a gaming channel, which is awesome (like your name--my names Matt too :D ) so it is easy to upload an episode a day. However, you want to be sure to keep up a high level of quality content, so when people stumble across your videos they see you put time & effort into them. It truly does reflect on who you are as a video maker. Minecraft is a VERY overplayed game, but will allow for you to get your foot in the door, because SO many people play it. However, if you plan on deviating from solely Minecraft videos, which it seems like you are, you're going to want to upload other content as well, along side your Minecraft videos! Humble Bundle, and Steam have a plethora of games that you can pick up for a relatively good price :) So, I would Highly recommend getting something off of there. If you're already recording off the PC for Minecraft, then it'll be easy to transition into this games as well! Camtasia studio 8 & Fraps are great screen recording programs for this! They do cost money, but you can use the almighty google to maybe work around that *eyes darting back and forth*

I'll get into your specific questions now. lol

Upload Everyday? Yes, if you're schedule allows you to! No more than that, because it can become overkill! If you cannot upload everyday, then set up a schedule, Like every other day, or Mon Wed Fri. Ect. Youtube also has a great "scheduled upload" feature. I'll let you look into that on your own though :p

Facecam? For a lot of games it a great asset to use your face. Horror games it is almost a requirement because people want to see your face when you're crying in a corner wishing for death (lol). Minecraft it isn't "necessary", but with any game it allows your audience to feel more connected to you whilst watching. At least in my opinion. I only use it for games where it seems natural to use facecam.

Episode length? This can vary. The average attention span is growing shorter and shorter, and a vast majority will not watch your video all the way through - Especially if you're uploading really lengthy videos. I would say keep them relatively short. 3-5 minutes would be IDEAL, BUT that isn't always practical for gaming channels haha we like to do let's plays and other content. I would say for guides keep them as short as possible without sacrificing the quality of the video. Let's plays can be really any length...and I say that while gritting my really is all relative. Just use your best judgement and ask yourself, "Would I watch this for ___ minutes??" & "Is this really a good video, or am I just putting stuff up for the sake of putting it up?"

Worth starting off? YES. Do this because you enjoy it, not for money. It'll be a bumpy ride, but so long as you keep your arms & legs in the vehicle at all times you'll have a grand old time! mho :p

Tips? ...pretty much all the above I believe would be considered a "tip" , my friend lol

Hope that all made sense,
-RedCrossRising, Matt
Thanks a lot for the answers to all my questions, I'm going to try and get everything sorted into a quick and easy note storage for myself, so i can easily think about them all before each video!
I've only been at it for a couple of months, but so far, I've learnt that shorter videos are often better. I started making videos around 12 minutes long (I even made a 20 minute one because I couldn't find a good place to cut it...), but I quickly reduced this to around 7 minutes, or 10 at most. Admittedly, I did this because my internet is slow, and its easier to upload a 7 minute video than a 12 minute one (I can upload it in one session XD), but I've also found that it helps make the videos more entertaining - longer videos, for me at least, tend to drag out once you run out of things to say...

The second tip I have - before you start recording something, try and make a rough list of topics you want to talk about, almost like a script. Now, I'm not saying script out things like "Make Creeper explode. Oh no my house is gone, I'll have to start again HAHAHA...", as then the video feels far to scripted and fake, but stuff like "Game available on Steam. Really support HumbleBundle. Just finished exams...", that you can glance at to give you some idea of what you want to discuss, and give your videos a bit of structure, while allowing the flexibility for legitimate reactions to things.

Good luck with your channel, I hope you enjoy it! :D
I have moved this to the Script, Script Writing, Video Ideas & Planning section of the forum for you :)