How to show my face?


Hello, I wanted to start using a webcam on my videos, and I don't know how to introduce my channel to seeing my face. I thought about making it my 2,000 sub special, but I still don't know what to wear and say.

Any ideas?

By the way, I am a 13 your old short and skinny boy, imagine a nerd, I probably look a lot like the image in your head.
The best way really is to just start doing it and see what your audience says. You could also ask for their opinion in a few videos before hand (and I say a few) because people skip around videos a lot so there's a chance they might miss the part where you ask.

Personally I find I'm a better commentator without it, because you tend to watch the camera and not concentrate on what you're really doing. However, I think the webcam is great for scary or intense games. Audiences like the facial reactions from what I've found.
Or act like you don't know it happened. Be playing and have it on and just do your gameplay then pause for a second and go "wait... something feels different..." Then just keep going for a bit and then go "can... can you guys SEE me???" Look deeper into your screen... "What the hell, I'm in a little box. How in the hell did I get in there.... awkward.... " Keep let's playing, and then.... CAKE HITS YOU IN THE FACE.

It's fool proof.
Or act like you don't know it happened. Be playing and have it on and just do your gameplay then pause for a second and go "wait... something feels different..." Then just keep going for a bit and then go "can... can you guys SEE me???" Look deeper into your screen... "What the hell, I'm in a little box. How in the hell did I get in there.... awkward.... " Keep let's playing, and then.... CAKE HITS YOU IN THE FACE.

It's fool proof.
This is hilarious xD
Hello, I wanted to start using a webcam on my videos, and I don't know how to introduce my channel to seeing my face. I thought about making it my 2,000 sub special, but I still don't know what to wear and say.

Any ideas?

By the way, I am a 13 your old short and skinny boy, imagine a nerd, I probably look a lot like the image in your head.
Do this, it will throw people off